Sunday, May 22, 2011

Antediluvian Men

In a previous blog post, I wrote about the living conditions of the Pre-Flood (Antediluvian) world. This post is more about men and the creatures that experienced these better living conditions.

Firstly, let me do a recap on the Pre-Flood worlds conditions;
There was a second atmosphere around the earth--a super-cold hydrogen layer that repelled almost all unhealthy radiation and ultraviolet rays. This extra atmosphere also refracted light in a brighter, more colorful way; pink light dominated both night and day--daytime having a bright pink daylight, and nighttime a pale magenta. This pink light increased the strength and speed of growth of living organisms, and increased Norepipheren, which helped Man use his brain to its full capacity. Plants, under the help of the pink light, grew far more rapidly and grew stronger roots, and (For an example of plant growth) a single tomato plant was able to produce over three thousand tomatoes. The air pressure and oxygen level was higher--oxygen levels up to 35% oxygen, increasing energy, growth, and strength even more. The average height of Man was seven feet tall due to all these healthy conditions, with extra aid of a far healthier diet. Men could live to be over 900 years old, and would still be young and strong at 200 years, and would be able to run over two-hundred miles without becoming fatigued. Every morning, the pink light in the morning would slowly awaken men to a glorious morning filled with something beautiful; Singing stars. Now, stay with me here. NASA has already clarified that stars put out strong radio waves that sound like major key 'singing'. This sound would hit earth's Pre-Flood second atmosphere, beaming off of it and shooting through the atmosphere, then hitting the ground and refracting off sand, until it finally could be heard resonating through trees and plants. Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of singing stars!

 Living creatures of the earth thrived at this time, as well. due to the high rate of vegetation produce caused by the pink light and oxygen level, Dinosaurs, Dragons, mammals, and Men feasted every day, and never went without food or water. Marine life at this time also teemed, as the higher water oxygen levels also increased marine creatures' sizes. Men enjoyed longevity and incredible amounts of energy, as has already been stated, along with other bonuses--the only problems, I'm sure, were both the huge, unpredictable dinosaurs and Dragons (and large creepy crawlies), and the wicked men who stained this paradise with sin. But still--imagine being able to run for extremely long amounts of time and distance without becoming tired! Or enjoying the rich, satisfying oxygen levels! And what of the long lifespan? that was yet another bonus. And waking up to the singing stars and colorful paradise? get outta here! There were so many different living conditions that we long to experience now--except, perhaps, finding 8-foot centipedes in your yard!

The world was a virtual paradise at this time, but for the disastrous sin that had infected Mankind. Death was still very real, and evil ran rampant--but due to the grace of God on Noah's family, Mankind survived to see the new wondrous things of this world, as well. No one knows how much the human body is truly capable of, but when we look at the Pre-Flood world, we can imagine about what we would be able to do in our prime.   

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